
It's Breaking. We're Landing.

I tell you what's up in my life, running through my head, and keeping me passionate.

Staying Inspired at College📚


College isn't *that* inspiring.

Sorry not sorry.

ITHACA, N.Y -- College consists of 2AM nights with 8AM classes and insane parties followed by professional networking events.  I'm not sure that's the path to success. 

As someone who doesn't party hard or like to "plan networking" -- what's in it for me?  Growing up an only child, I now feel a strong need to be consistently ON because I am *always* surrounded by people.  Aside from getting to study and practice the field I'm going into with some passionate peers...let's be real -- this isn't all that inspiring.  At least I don't think so.

In an orientation program prior to the start of classes, Don Austin, a community service leader at Ithaca College asked a group I was apart of who our inspirations were.  I could name a bajillion but opted for national news anchor extraordinaire, Robin Meade, who I just had the opportunity to meet this past summer.


After we shared, he advised we hold these special individuals -- be they soccer mom or A-List celeb -- close to us as we undergo the college transition, and pursue some of the toughest moments of our college career.  

Who inspires you?  Can you take one of their Instagram photos and hang it on your dorm room?  Can you be so crazy as to get your own picture with them...and then hang that on the wall?  You bet I've done both!

Ever since I put my inspiration frame up at college, it's been different...in a GOOD way.  I'll be on the verge of falling asleep while working on an assignment I hate, or energized by a journalism deadline that feels impossible to make and eye "You got this!"  Instantly I get this tingly feeling...like, Robin believes in me.  Although she may not know it, she's rooting for me *right now* to hand in a story at 8AM with two interviews all on two hours of sleep!  I'm also reminded that Robin, too was once in school.  She too dealt with hardships -- some I can quite vividly picture after reading her book. 

I think it's important to realize that inspiration is palpable.  Just ONE photo, or A SINGLE mantra can really propel you through your worst moments.  But it's up to you to find someone or something you adore and appreciate so much so that it or they can give you a boost.  It could be a photo of sriracha for all I care.  Just hang it up, your eyes will spy it and the fire (quite literally if it's the hot sauce😂) will be ignited inside you.  It'll whisper something along the lines of "Get up!  Keep going!"

Below are three photos from my inspiration frame that truly motivate me and why. 



I found this simple, yet powerful photo on Google.  Crazy what a Walmart glossy photo order can do!  It's presence reminds me that I can do whatever I need to, especially on late college nights.  


LOVE this photo so much.  Aviation is soooo my thing...and I'm also the closest thing to the teen version of JetBlue😂✈️.  I love flying, and hope to inspire humanity. Yes, I personify an airline. 💁🏽‍♂️


Whether something's hitting hard in your life or you've tuned to CNN and are welcomed by that big red 'BREAKING NEWS' banner -- sometimes things are just breaking in our personal lives and in the world. As I volunteered at JFK✈️ earlier this year, President Trump signed his travel ban which sparked protests at airports nationwide.  I met CNN Space and Science Correspondent, Rachel Crane who was covering the calls for action.  We've stayed in touch and she recently invited me to visit her at CNN - New York.  Very special.  Sometimes I'll look at this photo and think "Wow. That day meant so much to me."  Other times I'll hear Rachel offer a piece of advice in the way that she said it or think back to a piece of work she's done.  At its core, for a boy who rarely drinks coffee, it's a shot of espresso in my world.    


Thank you for reading.  


PS - If you make and post your inspiration boards or frames...please, please, tag me @ClassyMalick.  I'd love to check 'em out!!


With ❤️ and gratitude, 
